The Imma Community Wiki

&nbsp Hi! My name is immagohanssj2, i used to not be an imma.Immagohanssj2

while i wasn't one i observed the immas:immakrillin,immapiccolo,immavegeta,immagoten,and immatrunks. When i became one i knew that i had to be noticed by

others,immakrillin,immapiccolo,immavegeta,supervegitossj2,immablossom, and immaAku.Why gohan? well i only found 1 gohan imma,once i made my account i found immateengohankai,immakidgohan1,and immafuturegohan.why did i not compete in the immacellgames? well i'm not a fast uploader and i'm a beginner im

Images (17)

Gohan never rests.

ma.There's no way i'd win as Yamcha always says "I'd just be making a fool out of myself." April 27, 2012

"where gohans youtube account really is"~immagohanssj2
